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Lillypad Landscape & Curbing

We are a full-service landscape company based in DeBary, FL

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We Install a Custom Fire Pit for Your Outdoor Space

Fire pits can be fueled by wood, gas, or propane, and can be designed to fit any style or aesthetic. They provide a warm and inviting atmosphere for outdoor gatherings, and are perfect for roasting marshmallows, telling stories, or simply relaxing with friends and family.

Custom Fire Pit Installation

Fire pit installation requires careful planning and attention to detail to ensure that the finished product is safe, functional, and visually appealing. It is important to consult with a professional to ensure that the installation is done correctly and in accordance with any local building codes or regulations.

Site Selection

The first step is to select the location for the fire pit. It should be situated away from any combustible materials and structures, and should be placed on a level surface.

Design & Layout

Once the location has been selected, the design and layout of the fire pit should be determined. This involves selecting the shape, size, and materials that will be used.


The next step is to excavate the area where the fire pit will be installed. This involves removing any grass, rocks, or debris, and creating a level base for the fire pit.

Base Installation

Once the excavation is complete, a layer of gravel or sand is added to create a stable base for the fire pit. The base should be leveled and compacted.

Block Installation

Once the base is in place, the blocks or stones are laid around the perimeter of the fire pit. The blocks or stones should be level and securely placed to create a sturdy structure.

Fire Pit Insert Installation

If a fire pit insert is being used, it can be installed at this point. The insert should be centered within the fire pit and secured in place.

Finishing & Cleanup

Finally, any finishing touches can be added, such as decorative rock or landscaping around the perimeter of the fire pit. The site will be cleaned up, and any debris or excess materials will be removed.

What Makes Fire Pit Great?

– Outdoor Entertainment –

– Warm & Comfortable Nights –

– Outdoor Cooking –

– Relaxing & Inviting Ambience –

– Increased Property Value –

– Outdoor Lighting –

– Reduced Stress –

– Eco-Friendly –

– Easy Maintenance –

– Versatile Applications –

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From our initial free quote to the moment we leave your property after a job well done; we want to ensure professionalism and quality in everything we do. Take a look at what some of our clients have to say about our business.

Lillypad Landscape & Curbing

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